Saturday, September 24, 2016

Library Cards

For Students and Families: Nearly 100% of last year's students have been issued Boston Public Library (BPL) cards needed to check books out at both our Orchard Gardens Library (OG) and the BPL and neighborhood branches. Unless your child is new to Orchard Gardens or came late last year,  they were issued a library card. If they were issued a library card at another Boston Public School that card is still good at OG and the BPL.

Please make sure your child leaves their library card in a safe place. They do not need to bring the card to school to use the OG library.

Your child will need their library card to check out books at the BPL and neighborhood branches. Remember that the BPL charges fines for late books and DVDs.

If your child has LOST their library card, please send a short note and I will make one replacement card for free.

Students new to Orchard Gardens will receive a library application over the next few weeks. If you receive the form and your child already has a BPL Card please write the number on the form and return it.

Exciting Update: All OG 6th, 7th and 8th Graders now have their library cards as part of their T-Pass and Lunch Card - it's the ONE CARD!

For OG Staff and Partners: All staff and partners must have a BPL Card to check out books from the Orchard Gardens Library. If you do not have a library card I will be happy to make one for you. Visit me after school and get your card!

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