Saturday, September 8, 2018


As the 2018-2019 school year gets underway, I want to stress the importance of READING and challenge everyone to make reading one of the most important activities of every day. 

Many items have invaded the school day AND our lives in general making the most important activity of every day a luxury in many classrooms and homes. Reading aloud and independent reading are the two most important activities that should happen every day, in every classroom, in EVERY subject and in every home by every student, teacher and family.

Make reading a priority. The best way to become a reader is to read. Read a book that you can understand. You may have to look up a few words, ask a teacher or other person about a short passage. No matter what grade level or subject area - yes, even math and physical education, there are books that can be read to entice, inform, embellish and entertain. 

If you see students 4 or 5 days a week, certainly there is time to read. If you see students only once a week, devote part of your class together to reading and include a required reading book outside the class. Conversely, if you and your family are working and running around with activities and chores, there is still a way in every day to make time for reading for the entire family. 

Below are a few themed booklists to get you started. If you don't see what you need, take a look at some of my previous posts or inbox me with what your grade level, subject matter or particular student that can never find anything to read - the more specific you are with your goals and objectives, the better the suggestion. The more you read - the more you know... 

Reading Rockets Books By Theme

Pre-18th Century to Present Materials and Recommended Reading

Emily's Lists of Science Books for Kids of All Ages

Oprah's Favorite Books

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