Both my 7/8 electives*, Yearbook and Media, started the school year by learning how to create a word cloud. Creating a word cloud is a great tool to activate prior knowledge, work on their vocabulary and get to know each other. Students had to use 25 or more words to describe themselves. All of our middle school students will be writing essays about themselves and will need to be able to answer the question, "What can you tell me about yourself?" when writing their high school essays, applying for their first job or on high school interviews. 100% of my students were able to create a word cloud!

What's Next? Our Clouds will inform the creation of a mixed-media All About Me Poster for media students and a Meet the Staff Poster for yearbook students. In Yearbook Elective students learn how to use the Yearbook Software as they design their poster. In the yearbook software students learn how to use borders, backgrounds, clip art, text and image nodes.
Students in my 7/8 grade Media Class work on combining a minimum of 4 different media elements to make a poster about themselves. They use their word cloud, words they cut from a magazine, a picture of themselves that they did a special pose for and a pop culture person that inspires them.
*7/8 electives meet for 3 - 50 minute periods every week.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.6 & 8.6
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
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