Saturday, June 17, 2017

2016-2017 Yearbooks Are Here!

Students in Yearbook Elective enjoy being the first to see their handiwork. The yearbook is 80 pages of full color with a hard cover. 
Our theme is "Leaving Our Mark On The World." On sale in the Library for only $10.00 until the end of the school year. Get your copy while supplies last.

We're Ready for 3rd Grade!

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Last week, all of my second graders finished How To Be Cool in the Third Grade  by Betsy Duffey and we revealed the book cover. I also shared the few photos in the book. As we emerge as readers it is very important to make pictures in our mind of the characters in the stories we read our own..."pretty soon the books you read will have no pictures," I tell my second graders. The best part of finishing the book was not the cover reveal but rather the discussions that this book enabled. We all learned together that it's not what you wear or your name that makes you cool. Robbie learned being smart, nice and funny were so much more important and that's really what people thought of him - no one even noticed his new jeans! It's the person you are that makes you special and we have some very special second graders that are third grade ready.

A to Z - A Wonderful Journey!

Our reading journey is almost over as the school year comes to an end. Your child will be bringing home a book that showcases most of the books that we have read this year in Library Class. Each page showcases the Letter of the Day, a picture of the book we read and a picture that demonstrates your child's understanding of the story. One thing that I know for sure is that ALL of our Kindergarten students LOVE reading. Take some time to have your child explain the pages of their book. You will enjoy how well your child can remember the details of the story and be sure to make reading a part of your summertime activities. Checkout Boston's Storymobile that begins July 10th. The program is targeted to children ages 3-8 and everyone goes home with a FREE book. Click HERE for the schedule.

Also visit your neighborhood library where you will find everything you need for a summer of great reading and more with your child. Boston Public Library Kids link HERE is a great place to check out events at all branch libraries. If your child left their library card in school in will be in their library bag along with their Reading Journey Book. Happy Reading!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Z-O-O spells Zoo!

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This year our Kindergarten students had a wonderful trip to Franklin Park Zoo. It was the perfect trip to create background knowledge for our Letter Z book, Put Me In The Zoo by Robert Lopshire. Spot believes he should be in the Zoo and shows all the "things that he can do" to two young friends. There is some discussion about what type of animal Spot is and does he actually belong  in a zoo! Big questions, awesome thinking.  "Spot is a dog!" "No, Spot is a bear." "Spot is a pretend animal." Actually Spot is a "spotted" leopard but that does not really matter because the real beauty in this story is that we realize that there is a perfect place for everyone  no matter what they are!

Yo! Yes?

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We returned to a favorite duo of ours for Letter Y. In Yo! Yes? by Chris Raschka we celebrate friendship. In just 34 words an outgoing confident boy makes friends with a shy nerdy boy. By this time in the school year our students are recognizing many words so I read a page first and they repeat each page with me. Check out the story on vimeo.